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sei di passaggio? prima di andartene passa da qua e scrivici qualcosa U.U anche solo ciao...

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  1. 4/9 17:57 Slytherin_Opheliac: http://emilieautumnfanforum.forumfree.it/
  2. 11/3 18:52 madlau: :*
  3. 6/12 19:01 madlau: :bleah:
  4. 7/11 19:01 [Diab]: :hug:
  5. 7/11 16:18 madlau: :bisou:
  6. 4/11 18:57 [Diab]: votato!
  7. 2/11 11:18 morphine__‚: Votate in Top Blog!!!!!!
  8. 31/10 14:49 Videl90_ssj: Ritirate il premio della lotteria delle razze: http://horsepassionin.forumfree.it/?t=57557563&st=15#lastpost
  9. 28/10 20:15 [Diab]: omiodio è più di un mese che non vengo qui!?!?!?! non è possibile ò.o anyway ciao genteeee!!!!
  10. 6/10 16:11 morphine__‚: e come ogni inizio mese... andate a votare in top blog!!!!
  11. 22/9 16:47 morphine__‚: non riesco a dormire di pomeriggio ._. quando mi sveglio sono più rincoglionita di prima!
  12. 22/9 14:29 [Diab]: ciao genteeeee sono stanchissima T_T posso unirmi al riposino?? [anche se devo scendere tra 10 minuti >-<]
  13. 21/9 23:44 madlau: giUUUU!!! il riposino pomeridiano va sempre fatto U.U
  14. 21/9 16:49 morphine__‚: Lauuuuuuuuuuu!!!! ho sonno ._.
  15. 20/9 23:56 madlau: salve...
  16. 11/9 20:28 morphine__‚: si, si fa ogni mese!!
  17. 11/9 8:11 madlau: votatoooo!!!
  18. 9/9 10:42 [Diab]: ah ma lo fanno ogni mese?! ò.o mi ricordavo di aver votato, però questo è del 1/9 quindi immagino di si u.u
  19. 9/9 10:21 [Diab]: si può rivotare? ò.o
  20. 8/9 17:04 morphine__‚: hey!!! ricordatevi di votare in top blog!!!
  21. 5/9 20:54 [Diab]: yey rieccomi!!! e siamo primi xD come ve la passate?
  22. 5/9 16:33 morphine__‚: siamo arrivati primi!
  23. 2/9 10:04 Videl90_ssj: [no spam]La lotteria delle Razze si è conclusa: Clicca![spam]
  24. 27/8 13:30 morphine__‚: ciaooooo!!!!!
  25. 26/8 15:27 [Diab]: l'importante è rilassarsi *-* domani parto...non so se riuscirò a connettermi la prossima settimana... ci si rivede a settembre!!! ciau ^^
  26. 25/8 11:26 smileyna: Advice! ultimo giorno disponibile per partecipare al Best Gemellato #2 del mad in wonderland...CLIKKAMI
  27. 22/8 23:42 madlau: niente di niente. zero. però non mi sono annoiata. ho persino ripreso a leggere...il che è bene!
  28. 22/8 23:25 [Diab]: non mi lamento, ma niente di emozionante, praticamente ho fatto quello che avrei fatto anche a casa xD tu sei andata da qualche parte?
  29. 22/8 19:12 madlau: passato bene la vacanza?
  30. 22/8 19:12 madlau: sìsì Lau, ho capito ;)
  31. 22/8 15:31 itsheartache: [NO SPAM] é terminata la 30 Seconds To Mars Lottery #2 , vieni a vedere se hai vinto qui
  32. 21/8 17:05 [Diab]: ero a sorrento, non so se la conosci ._.
  33. 20/8 22:30 madlau: dove ti trovi, Lau?
  34. 20/8 13:15 [Diab]: per fortuna stasera finirà lo strazio di questa connessione del cavolo e torno a casa!!!
  35. 17/8 15:23 morphine__‚: ho caldo ._.
  36. 15/8 10:05 -Micky86-: buon ferragosto a tutti =)
  37. 13/8 19:21 madlau: grazie giU *___* biscottini a volontà per le Lau del forum u.u
  38. 13/8 14:50 [Diab]: anche io biscotto ;-;
  39. 12/8 13:00 morphine__‚: brava Lau... ti meriti un biscottino!
  40. 11/8 18:24 madlau: io ho votato u.u
  41. 7/8 23:04 dedeloira: Jared beautiful :
  42. 7/8 0:40 cinderella_in_a_party_dress: buona seraaaaaa!!
  43. 4/8 20:39 morphine__‚: no son 4!
  44. 4/8 20:38 morphine__‚: ma nessuno ci vota, abbiamo 3 voti u.u
  45. 3/8 22:49 -Micky86-: wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *_*
  46. 3/8 22:23 morphine__‚: si se la gente ci vota!
  47. 3/8 21:29 -Micky86-: e magari saliremo ancora XD
  48. 3/8 20:02 morphine__‚: figo siamo 19° in topblog!
  49. 3/8 20:01 morphine__‚: grande invenzione lo zoom u.u
  50. 3/8 19:32 -Micky86-: perfect xd
  51. 3/8 18:23 [Diab]: non è nulla d grave xD basta zoommare


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view post Posted on 2/11/2011, 11:13 by: morphine__‚     +1   -1Reply
Von Gabriela M. Keller

Jared Leto hat in einigen der prägendsten Filme der vergangenen Jahre mitgespielt: Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream oder American Psycho. Nun war er schon seit Längerem nicht mehr auf der Leinwand zu sehen. Statt dessen tourte er mit seiner Rockband 30 Seconds to Mars durch die Welt. Nun hat ihn das Magazin GQ in Berlin bei der Wahl der “Männer des Jahres 2011″ in der Kategorie Stil ausgezeichnet. Dabei denkt er gar nicht besonders viel über seine Outfits nach, sagte er unserer Reporterin Gabriela kurz vor der Preisverleihung im Interview.

styleranking: Die meisten Menschen dürften dich aus deinen Filmen kennen. Nun machst du aber auch schon seit fast zehn Jahren mit deiner Band 30 Seconds to Mars erfolgreich Musik. Nervt es, wenn Journalisten immer noch fragen, warum so viele Hollywoodstars frustrierte Rockmusiker sind?

Jared Leto: Nein, denn es kümmert mich nicht so sehr, was die Leute denken. Ich denke, eine Menge kreativer Menschen interessieren sich auch für andere kreative Bereiche. Maler interessieren sich für Bildhauerei, Bildhauer interessieren sich für andere Aspekte. Ebenso interessieren sich ja auch Sportler oft für andere Sportarten. Manchmal sieht man Fußballer, die Baseball spielen wollen. Wenn Menschen sich mit einem Lebensbereich befasst haben, wollen sie auch andere Dinge erfahren.

styleranking: Trotzdem dürften dich die meisten Menschen noch als Schauspieler sehen…

Jared Leto: Das stimmt nicht unbedingt.

styleranking: Hat sich das mittlerweile geändert?

Jared Leto: Eine Menge Leute da draußen kennen mich überhaupt nicht. Dann gibt es eine Menge Leute, die mich nur als Musiker kennen, und eine Menge, die mich nur als Schauspieler kennen. Ich denke, einem Großteil meines jüngeren Publikums bin ich als Schauspieler gar nicht bekannt.

styleranking: Wünschst du dir manchmal, dass du nicht erst mit der Schauspielerei angefangen hättest, damit man dich als Musiker ernster nehmen würde?

Jared Leto: Nein. So etwas interessiert mich nicht. Aber mittlerweile ist das auch schon eine alte Geschichte. Ich mache das ja nun schon so lange. Ich denke, mittlerweile haben sich die Leute entschieden, ob sie das, was ich mache, mögen oder nicht.

styleranking: Du machst nicht nur Musik, du führst auch Regie bei Musikvideos, du designst Plattencover, du schreibst Songs. Wirst du nie satt?

Jared Leto: Ich liebe es, neues Territorium zu erkunden. Das ist aufregend, und ich lerne etwas Neues. Und wenn wir lernen, dann sind wir eingebunden, werden gefordert und bereichert.

styleranking: Zuletzt scheint der Fokus bei dir aber sehr stark auf der Musik gelegen zu haben…

Jared Leto: … Musik, Editing, Regie, Produktion. Dann besch...

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Hugo Boss,
Jared Leto
Comments: 0 | Views: 295Last Post by: morphine__‚ (2/11/2011, 11:13)

view post Posted on 26/9/2011, 09:50 by: morphine__‚     +1   -1Reply
Quick Bio

Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream, American Psycho, and Lord of War. Jared Leto has been in some of the most influential manly movies of our time. He’s a talent with his own charmed story to tell, but as the main character, Leto is full of contradictions. His hippie upbringing, eccentric fashion sense and laid back, gentlemanly demeanor are a sharp contrast to his steely determination. Very steely indeed because we’re talking about someone who was willing to sleep on the streets, lose 28 pounds and, get this, refrain from getting physical with gorgeous ex-fiancée, Cameron Diaz, for two months to play a heroin addict. Almost 40 (he’s a good example of how age is just a number), the Mr. Nobody star continues to live on an express train, touring with his band, 30 Seconds to Mars, and representing the Hugo Boss fragrance, Just Different. Leto talked to us about backing a brand for the first time, playing Dominique Strauss-Kahn and living off the land.

You seem to blend right with the Hugo Boss DNA. Why did you take up their offer to represent Just Different?

Jared Leto : I thought it was the right thing at the right time. They came to me and described what they were doing, and I responded to it. I thought it would be fun. I’m on a stage most nights of my life. This is a new adventure. It’s a whole different world, and that is precisely why I wanted to go for it. I’ve had many companies approach me over the years, but it never felt right. When I sat with Hugo, I understood this was something unique, so I thought it would be great to get involved with it. I was proud to be asked in the first place.

What’s so « different » about it?

JL : I’m not exactly a fragrance guru, but truth be told, I wore it on the set of the TV commercial and walked into a room full of extras, and everyone started asking, “Who smells so good?” It’s a great perfume. It’s interesting how smells can affect one’s mood.

Were you involved in the development of the fragrance?

JL : They probably don’t want me doing that because they’re too good. They’re experts, and they have this guy with the biggest nose you’ve ever seen at some laboratory somewhere. He’s called “the nose.” I don’t think I’m capable of competing with that.

How would you describe your style?

JL : I don’t have a specific style that I go with every day. And, as a performer, it’s important to look the part, so I try to do what’s best for the show. I have made plenty of mistakes before — some of which you’re probably aware of — but it’s fun to try different things. Professionally, I don’t necessarily have to adhere to a certain dress code. However, I think that comfort is crucial. Otherwise, you won’t be able to have fun and express yourself.

What’s it like in the fast lane?

JL : It’s interesting because I’m always in a different city, performing to a different audience and learning different things. Most of the time, when we’re on...

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Jared Leto,
Comments: 0 | Views: 49Last Post by: morphine__‚ (26/9/2011, 09:50)

view post Posted on 5/9/2011, 15:46 by: morphine__‚     +1   -1Reply
One of the most intimate shows on 30 Seconds to Mars’ worldwide tour is Sunday, Sept. 4, inside the MontBleu Theatre. The metal-neo prog rockers captured the world’s attention with their self-titled 2002 album. They are fronted by musician- actor Jared Leto. Three years later, after guitarist Tomo Milcevic joined the band, it had the platinum-selling CD “A Beautiful Lie.” In 2009, it released “This is War.” Drummer Shannon Leto spoke with Lake Tahoe Action before the show.

Q: Where are you today?

Leto: I am just at home in L.A., relaxing, picking out some mattresses to buy.

Q: I was told you were in Europe.

Leto: We’ve been touring for about two years now. It’s a long journey. We’re home for about a week. We had the MTV Awards and a couple shows on the West Coast and then over to Asia.

Q: Did you perform at the MTV Awards?

Leto: We didn’t perform. My brother presented and we were up for three awards.

Q: How did 30 Seconds to Mars become so successful?

Leto: Who knows? When we write and do what we do, we put all our energy in it and tour tirelessly. Who knows what the ingredient is? I don’t think there’s a formula. I know my brother’s written some amazing songs and those songs have connected with people. … It’s a lot of hard work, too. We go above and beyond what people are used to doing. We hard-charge it and that’s what you have to do these days. CDs aren’t really being bought at all. It’s all about the live show and it’s all about presentation. We love not just creating music but we love the visual aspects as well from the videos to the show to the merch to 2,000 different album covers to having fans fly in from all over the world to participate on the album. We try to do as much as we can.

Q: Have you played Tahoe before, and I would imagine this is one of your smaller venues you play?

Leto: We haven’t played Tahoe and we’re excited to. It’s a beautiful place. I’ve snowboarded there. Playing the smaller shows gives us an opportunity to be more intimate. We are able to share that experience on a much more intimate level. We just came back a couple of nights ago from the U.K. where we played in front of 70,000 people, and we’re playing all these sellout arena tours all over Europe. So to play smaller shows, we love it. It’s more immediate.

Q: Where besides the states are your biggest fans?

Leto: Europe. People are pretty excited over there. And Latin America. Germany is pretty amazing for us. When we started this whole touring cycle out playing front of, I don’t know, 100,000 people or so. That was amazing.

Q: Did you and your brother grow up playing in bands? And who is older?

Leto: I’m the older brother and music’s always been a big part of our lives. Actually, I just found a picture of him and I and I was 5 years old and he’s like 4. I’m banging bongos and there’s a guitar next to him. So it started early. … It was real natural because those were...

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Comments: 0 | Views: 30Last Post by: morphine__‚ (5/9/2011, 15:46)
